Ryse Energy & Cirkel Energi ApS Administration


Ryse Energy er glade for at kunne annoncere vores ekspansion til den danske marked for små vindmøller efter vores køb af aktiverne og rettighederne i CIRKEL Energi ApS.

Dette er godt nyt for ejere af Gaia Wind / G-11-, Kingspan / Proven Energy- og R9000-vindmøller.

Dannelsen af Ryse Energy i Danmark vil blive ledet af det lokale og meget erfarne serviceteam fra CIRKEL Energi. De slutter sig nu til Ryse Energy, den globale markedsleder inden for produktion, service og support af små vindmøller med over 180.000 installationer på tværs af alle syv kontinenter.
Med mere end 500 styk Gaia Wind / G-11 i drift er Danmark en af de største samlinger af vores teknologi, og vi er glade for direkte at støtte vores installations- og slutbrugerkunder. Serviceaftaler og levering af reservedele er tilgængelige med det samme, leveret direkte af Gaia Wind/G-11 produktejeren, Ryse Energy (UK) Limited.

Richard Caldow, administrerende direktør for Storbritannien og Europa, udtaler: “Vores ekspansion på det danske marked styrker vores position som den globale markedsleder inden for små vindmøller. Vores dedikerede team af erfarne service- og vedligeholdelsesmedarbejdere i Danmark står straks til rådighed for at supportere eksisterende kunder og vindmølleejere samt levering og installation af helt nye vindmøller.
Kontakt os i dag på 42462880
Salg: [email protected]
Service: [email protected]


Ryse Energy is pleased to announce our expansion into the Danish small wind sector following our acquisition of the assets and intellectual property of CIRKEL Energi ApS.

This is great news for owners of Gaia Wind/G-11, Kingspan/Proven Energy and R9000 wind turbines.

The formation of Ryse Energy in Denmark will be led by the local and highly experienced team from CIRKEL Energi. They now join Ryse Energy, the global market leader in small-scale wind manufacturing, service, and support, with over 180,000 installations across all seven continents.

With more than 500 units of Gaia Wind/G-11 operating in this region, this is one of the largest installed bases of our technology, and we are excited to directly support our installation and end-user clients. Service agreements and the supply of spare parts are available immediately, supplied directly by the Gaia Wind/G-11 product owner, Ryse Energy UK Limited.

Richard Caldow, Managing Director of the UK & Europe, commented: “Our expansion into the Danish small wind market further bolsters our position as the global market leader in small-scale wind energy. Our dedicated team of experienced service and maintenance personnel in Denmark is available immediately to support existing customers and turbine operators, as well as the supply and installation of brand-new wind turbines.

Contact us today via +45 42462880
Sales: [email protected]
Service: [email protected]